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Uttarakhand, formerly known as Uttaranchal and also referred as “Devbhoomi” since times immemorial, got the status of 27th state of India on 9th Nov., 2000. It has two divisions namely Garhwal and Kumaon having a total of 13 districts. It forms North-Western boundary with Himachal Pradesh, North and North-Eastern boundary with Tibet (China) and Eastern with Nepal and Southern with plains of Uttar Pradesh. The climate in the northern part is typically Himalayan having monsoon pattern of rainfall. The climate ranges from subtropical in the southern foot hills to warm temperate in the middle Himalayan valleys. The topographic terrain of the state is largely hilly tract where tremendous potential for tea cultivation is present below 2000m altitude (msl). The govt. Of Uttarakhand on 12 February, 2004 formally created a separate, independent “Uttarakhand Tea Development Board”